30 September 2008

The most wonderful time of the year

It's VeganMoFo, starting tomorrow. I sat it out last year because it was in November and I was occupied with it's antecedent NaNoWriMo (which I didn't finish) and a French class. MoFo nicely coincides with Canadian Thanksgiving; a visit from my parents, who unexpectedly love tofu; weather cool enough for me to use my oven; and the season of baking pumpkin into everything!

When I first started to cook for myself, about 3 years ago when I was just finishing up university, there were two things I really wanted to learn how to make: Chinese food and bread. My Chinese cooking is still a work-in-progress, but I've gotten the hang of bread. One recipe that's on my list to try out this month is Vegan Dad's rustic pumpkin bread.

Last spring I made a sourdough starter, using the basic instructions found here. It's the first page Google finds when you search for "sourdough starter", but it worked like a charm and produced some yummy bread. I left the starter in the back of my fridge all summer, unfed and uncared for, and when I dug it out last week it both looked and smelled foul. I tried to start again using some of the grapes that are growing in my back yard, a la these directions but I must have done something wrong because all I produced was paste that smelled like spoiled grapes. I'm giving it another shot using good ol' S. John Ross's directions. I'll post daily updates on the fascinating state of its fermentation.

Sourdough rye I made last spring from my starter.

1 comment:

Bex said...

I love bread, bring on the recipes! I need to work on the Chinese cooking too.